Our session will be

  • Personalized

    Each coaching client is different, and each session is unique. Whatever the focus is of our partnership every aspect of the coaching relationship is personalized to meet your goals and dreams. During your initial consultation, we will refine what personalization means.

  • Targeted

    In our first session we will explore your motivation for coaching, what you hope to achieve over the course of our engagement, and what success looks like while setting a target to work towards. Each session we will move towards that bigger goal through micro commitments and personal insights.

  • Collaborative

    Coaching is a creative and collaborative process. A dance, so to speak. Together, we will work in tandem to further your development, self-awareness, and learning. My role as a coach is to guide you while you pick the destination and drive the car. Together, we will explore what is possible.

How you’ll feel

Empowered, Confident, In Integrity, and Motivated to make real impactful change

Book Your Free Coaching Consulation

  • Confidential, professional, and supportive private sessions

  • Personalized coaching plan with options to customize

  • Unlimited guidance and support via private client app

  • Helpful tools, tips, and tricks for navigating your unique obstacles as they arise, including assessments as needed

What is Coaching according to the International Coaching Federation?

The ICF defines coaching as partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential. The process of coaching often unlocks previously untapped sources of imagination, productivity, and leadership.

We all have goals we want to reach, challenges we’re striving to overcome, and times when we feel stuck. Partnering with a coach can change your life, setting you on a path to greater personal and professional fulfillment.

My Approach

As an ICF coach, I follow the ICF Code of Ethics, which is focused on continuous improvement and intentional skill-building in areas like inclusion, equity, and belonging. It also means that I am dedicated to upholding high professional standards and developing a unique relationship with each client. Every coaching session is confidential, tailored to meet your specific needs and goals, and designed to help you achieve tangible improvements in your life, work, and passions. It's important to note that coaching is an unregulated field, so it's essential to do your own research and meet with me to ensure that we have the right chemistry and that you can trust me. I invite you to book a free consultation to learn more about what it takes to become an ICF coach, why it's essential to work with a certified coach and to see if we click.

My Process

After booking a free consultation and deciding you are ready to commit, I will send you an onboarding packet, contract, and collect payment. I offer various packages and payment plans to find the right fit for your budget. The frequency and duration of our coaching agreement will be based on your desires and readiness for change. New clients are asked to commit to at least three months of coaching to allow enough time for development and growth.

Once administrative tasks are complete, you will receive access to a client portal to communicate with me via private chat, schedule and edit your appointments, and find all relevant links and documents in one place. This hub will be our central spot for communication between sessions. All clients can communicate with me as much as they want between sessions using this client portal.

During our first session, we will explore your motivation for change, commitment to improvement, and goals for our partnership. In subsequent sessions, we will build on these goals and adjust them when new insights or opportunities arise. Coaching is a fluid and flexible process that requires creativity and focus. Together, we will figure out the best approach that works for you.