Hi, I’m Hannah Waen.

If you're considering starting a business, looking to develop your leadership skills, feeling unproductive and uninspired, or struggling with a negative mindset, professional coaching might be the solution you need to bring about positive change in your life.

As an ICF-certified coach with a keen interest in personal and professional development, branding, marketing, design, and strategy, I am here to help you tap into your inner creativity and craft an empowering identity while integrating lessons from nature and animals. We can partner to create a transformative coaching experience personalized to you to help you unlock your true potential. Coaching is not about fixing but about being self-accountable to become a driving force in your life. While I cannot give you the answers, I can help uncover your truth and build self-awareness and greater understanding while sharpening your skills and focus.

My Coaching Qualifications

Life long learner.

Fun stuff.

Top Character Strengths - Creativity, Fairness, Leadership, Honesty, Curiosity

Myers Briggs Type
“The Defender” (ISFJ-T)
Role: Sentinel
Strategy: Constant Improvement

Passions - 🐴🐕🧘‍♀️🌲🎨📚🕯🏛

Reno-Tahoe, Nevada-based.

Why I coach

I took the big leap in 2020 as an early participant in The Great Resignation to transform my life and dedicate my time to creativity, greater meaning in work, and aligning my life with my values. This meant leaving my corporate work behind to enroll in an executive coach training program at the University of Texas, Dallas, moving to a new state, and finally, after several years, going full-time in my side hustle.

I had dabbled in consulting and supported small businesses with their strategic and graphic branding, but I wanted to help ignite a more profound transformation. While learning coaching methods and reading The Way of Integrity by Martha Beck, a light bulb went off; my role was not to tell people how to run their businesses or live their lives but to empower them to establish their own rules of engagement. It was to help them unlearn rules and restrictions and discover their internal compass, what I have coined their ‘Brand Integrity.’ Along this journey, I dug deep to refine my approach, further my growth, and coach as many people as possible to expand my expertise while learning from each client.

Over nearly a decade of asking myself, “Who am I?” and “What is my purpose?” I am thrilled to be able to aid those who are soul-searching to clarify their path and transform their lives from just getting by to fully thriving.