The Power of Purpose and How to Find It

Knowing your purpose as an entrepreneur is crucial for achieving success and building a fulfilling career. Purpose acts as a compass, guiding entrepreneurs toward their goals and helping them navigate the twists and turns of entrepreneurship. Purpose is a critical element of my Brand Integrity coaching framework and is often the hardest thing to define clearly, but once you do, everything else falls into place. 

Are you struggling with your purpose? It's not surprising if you are. Many new and seasoned entrepreneurs question who they are and why they show up daily. They wonder if they are on the right path and reaching their full potential. Anytime a challenge presents itself, it's easy to spiral into doubt, indecision, and imposter syndrome. However, spending time considering your purpose can help lead you back to a sense of identity, meaning, and empowerment.

Not convinced of the power of purpose? Here are a few reasons why you should take a closer look at defining your purpose:

Purpose Provides Direction

Entrepreneurs with a clear sense of purpose know what they want to achieve and how to get there. They have a vision for their business that guides every decision, from what products or services to offer to who their target market is and how to reach them. This focus helps entrepreneurs stay on track and make progress toward their goals.

Purpose Leverages Passion

Entrepreneurs with a strong sense of purpose are more likely to be passionate about what they do. This passion can provide the drive to push through difficult times and stay committed to their goals, even when faced with setbacks or obstacles. Purpose can help entrepreneurs stay motivated in the face of rejection, failure, or criticism and continue to work towards their vision—passion, whoever is not always a consistent source of motivation. Be careful of how much you rely on passion to drive your success without the presence of purpose. Instead, focus on identifying your purpose and use passion to supplement and bolster your enthusiasm for your purpose.

Purpose is Desirable

Purpose is attractive. Entrepreneurs with a clear sense of purpose can attract employees, clients, and partners who share their values and vision. This attraction generates enthusiasm and helps bind a strong brand around a core mission. When people feel a sense of purpose and meaning in their work (or see this purpose displayed in others), they are more likely to become engaged and productive. This engagement can lead to increased loyalty, productivity, and profitability.

Purpose Builds Credibility

Entrepreneurs with a clear sense of purpose are more likely to be seen as experts in their field, thus generating credibility. This clout exists because purpose demonstrates a deep understanding of the industry and the needs of others. When entrepreneurs are passionate about what they do, it shows in the quality of their work and the way they interact with their customers and employees. If you are a purpose-driven brand, it is clear to others that you are trustworthy, caring, and motivated to see your clients succeed. Clients see you as invested in their outcome because of your purpose.

Ways to Identify Your Purpose

By taking the time to identify their purpose and align their business with their values and vision, entrepreneurs can build a strong and sustainable business that makes a positive impact on the world. However, the process of finding your purpose takes time and reflection. If you are struggling with your purpose, reflect on these questions in a journal or by talking with a coach or a friend. What themes stand out to you? Where do you get triggered with emotion? What is your gut telling you? 

Purpose lives in the heart and is instinctive. Powerful emotions or gut reactions often indicate that you are connecting with your purpose. Don't be afraid to uncover what is sitting below the surface. In coaching, we call this undercurrent the thing beneath the thing. What is true to you that you have yet to express? What is the underlying emotion beneath your instinctive thought? What are you genuinely concerned about? Finding your purpose is essential in defining your Brand Integrity and crafting all business strategies, but it is a journey. Have compassion and proceed with care as you find it.

Questions to Help Find Your Purpose:

  1. What are the things that make you happy or bring you joy?

  2. What activities or tasks do you find meaningful and fulfilling?

  3. What values do you hold most dear?

  4. What are your strengths, talents, and skills?

  5. What have been some of your greatest achievements or proudest moments?

  6. What problems or issues are you most passionate about (when do you get emotional)?

  7. What do you want to be remembered for, or what legacy do you want to leave behind?

  8. What have been some of your biggest challenges, and how have you overcome them? What themes can you identify from these experiences?

  9. What kind of impact do you want to have on the world or the people around you?

  10. What kind of work or activities would you do if you had all the resources in the world?


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